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Faith Preschool

Tiskets N Taskets: January 2022

Dear Parents,

Happy New Year! As we enter into a new year at Faith Preschool, we have so many things to be grateful for. The smiles, the laughter, and the learning that we see and hear every day is a blessing from the Lord. Our preschool is a safe and loving haven for our children, teachers, and wonderful families. Thank you for your continued support and loving kindness.

January is "Preschool Registration" time and parent tours have begun this month along with parent conferences. A registration packet was sent home with your child this week. Please make sure to send it back before Friday, January 21st to ensure your child’s spot. We hope all of you are returning to Faith Preschool for another great school year together.

Faith Preschool and Kindergarten is fully accredited through National Association of Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and licensed through the Department of Children and Families. We have credentialed teachers with a lead teacher and an assistant teacher in each classroom. When looking for a quality early childhood program parents need to look for and expect a preschool program that specializes in early childhood education with quality teachers maintaining certification and child development credentials in addition to experience in working with the young child.

I am proud to say that Faith Preschool & Kindergarten far exceeds these criteria. Each teacher provides a warm, positive and loving environment for young children. Our goal is to instill in them the self-confidence that comes from the security of God’s never-ending love: thus forming a secure and faith based and academic foundation that will last a lifetime.

This year is a re-accreditation year through NAEYC. Our teachers have been working hard to prepare for our visit, staying up-to-date with best practices for educating young children. I feel very positive about this process and cannot wait to share the results with you.

Please reach out to me if you have any questions or needs. My door is always open and it is a pleasure to love and serve our amazing Faith families.

With love,

Allison Lee

School Director

(850) 385-0725


Preschool News

Two Year Olds with Ms. Fenstermaker and Ms. Baker

Happy New Year!

We hope you all are well rested from the busy holidays and are excited to get back into routines once more. We kicked off the year with one of my favorite units: community helpers. Our class is learning to look for the helpers all around us: firemen, EMT’s, police, construction workers, and more! If you are one of our community helpers we say a big thank you! We hope that this cold weather stays as our second unit is all about winter! We’ll be making snowmen with our play dough, water-coloring snowflakes, and learning about our coldest season.

We are really enjoying our new teacher Mrs. Lloyd and doing music with her each day.

Just a reminder to monitor your child for symptoms as we are trying our best to keep everyone healthy and safe.

Two Year Olds with Mrs. Phillips and Mrs. Roberts

Happy New Year! We are excited to get back into the swing of things in our classroom. In the month of January, we will be learning about all things Winter. We will be playing with “snow” and ice in our sensory bins and making banana snowmen! Our room will soon look like winter wonderland with all our snowy art. The focus of many of these lessons are the color blue and white, incorporating the circle shape as well. We will end the month transitioning into our Bears unit, which begins with making a large cave where our teddy bears will hibernate through the month of February.

With the change in weather, I want to remind everyone to please bring in a warm change of clothes to keep at school. The parent-teacher conference sign-up sheet will be emailed and available near the sign in sheet. We will be conducting these conferences throughout most of the month. These are 15-minute visits where I am pleased and excited to share with you all the progress your child is making in our class and with their peers! A quick reminder that Monday January 17th is Martin Luther King, Jr Day and the preschool will be closed.

Three Year Olds with Mrs. Marsh and Mrs. Rowan

Happy New Year and welcome back to the Threes! We pray that everyone had a restful and fun Winter Break. January has begun with a Roar! We are studying Dinosaurs for the first two weeks. We are learning about the different types of dinosaurs that lived long ago. In art, the kids are having fun creating their own Stegosaurus, Triceratops and T-Rex dinosaurs. During science, we have been looking at and digging for dinosaur bones. We have enjoyed reading and singing about these creatures too.

The remainder of the month we will be studying the season of Winter and Arctic animals. In addition to our units, we will spend January doing mid-year assessments. We will use this information to see how much your children have grown and what areas we still need to work on. We will be sharing these results at our upcoming parent: teacher conferences (details to come). In addition, some important dates to note are January 17th we will be off in honor of Martin Luther King Day and registration for next school year is due on January 21st.

Three Year Olds with Mrs. Larkin and Ms. Fannin

Happy New Year! We missed our sweet friends over the break and we are delighted to have them back with us. Many thanks to our December volunteers: Shantell Lumpkin, Frances Asher and Emmy Hartsfield for donating items for the Christmas party fun and making reindeer food. The children had a wonderful time!

January has found us discovering winter, snow, bears and penguins. The children have enjoyed making igloos and bear caves with our large ice blocks. We will be making instant snow in science and measuring how tall the emperor penguin is with our ice blocks later in the month. Also, we will be learning about the colors blue (azul) and white (blanco) and the number six (seis) along with the shape rectangle as we continue through January and we will end our month with a special teddy bear picnic and cooking day.

Our conferences will begin this month and this is a wonderful opportunity to hear how well your child is progressing. Please be on the look out to sign-up for a phone conference at your convenience later this month.

Wishing everyone a healthy, joyful and peaceful New Year!

Four Year Olds with Mrs. Bearss and Mrs. Jacobs

Hello and Happy New Year!

This month our class will be studying God’s Winter Gifts. We begin learning about ice and snow and spend a lot of time exploring the two! This leads to many great discussions about phases of matter and the water cycle! In two weeks, we’ll add a polar animals unit where we will be comparing and contrasting the Arctic and Antarctic animals and habitats. This unit is very fun and full of hands-on experiments, but it can be a little difficult for our Florida babies to really understand so I try to add as many ice and snow sensory experiences as I can!

Last week we looked at the Letter Y and talked about the New Year and our resolutions for what we want to try this year! This week, we are studying the Letter W. W is a tricky sound for many children, so please review it as often as possible. 😊

In the next two weeks, I will take some time to reassess your student’s current progress in preparation for our conferences at the end of the month. Please reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns! If you haven’t already, please also contact me to sign up for a time for us to meet either in person or virtually to discuss all the awesome progress your child is making!!!

Thank you for all that you do!

Four Year Olds with Mrs. Cherry and Mrs. Poucher

Happy New Year! We hope that you and your family had a wonderful Holiday Break. We are excited to be back together and jumping back into routine. Your children are so happy to be back with their friends and eager to learn each day. As the weather has turned colder, it will give us the perfect opportunity to learn about Winter Activities, weather, snow/snowflakes, hibernation and arctic animals. Our letter focus will be on L, M, N, and O. We will end the month with our much anticipated “100th Day of School” Celebration. Look for more details coming home soon regarding parent/teacher conferences.

Four Year Olds with Mrs. Roberts and Mrs. Engelker

Happy New Year! The children were very happy to return to school and see their friends and share wonderful stories about Christmas and winter break. January brings some chilly weather and we will be learning all about Weather, Snow , and Animals in Winter, and Pets. We will also learn about Martin Luther King Jr.

We will continue our letter study with the letters M, N, and O. Our cooking project will be baking muffins and reading, If You Give a Moose a Muffin. Thank you to the Arce family (Hazel) for providing the ingredients for our cooking experience this month. We will also be experimenting with ice and making pine cone bird feeders to help feed our feathered friends during the winter.

I look forward to meeting you at the end of the month for our conference time!

Wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2022!

Kindergarten with Mrs. Hamrick and Mrs. McConnaughhay

Happy New Year! We hope everyone had a great Christmas and a wonderful start to the New Year. Kindergarten will start the New Year by learning all about Penguins! We will be learning about different kinds of penguins, where they live, and what they eat. We will be making a lot of penguin crafts and a penguin book. We will end our unit on penguins with a Penguin play for all of our parents. We will record and send the play to all parents at the end of the month. We look forward to sharing everything we have learned about penguins! We will also continue to work on our sight words, word families, and writing sentences. In Math, we will continue with addition and subtraction. This month, we will also be getting ready to celebrate the 100th day of school! The children are excited and will be learning how to count 100 items in several different ways!

Music with Mrs. Lloyd

Hello Faith parents!

As we all start the New Year, I am beginning a new journey as the music teacher at Faith Preschool! Let me introduce myself…

My name is Kim Lloyd. I was already part of the Faith Preschool family as a parent to a student in one of the three-year-old classes. I have been a board-certified music therapist since 2013, earning my degrees right here at FSU. (Perhaps you have even seen me before, leading music classes at Gentlehands playspace!) The opportunity arose to step in as Mrs. Cooke departed for her maternity leave. I am blessed to get to serve this community as the new music teacher and sing (and play guitar!) with your children every day!

As we begin January, we will be revisiting some of the topics Mrs. Cooke taught in the fall. All of the classes are reviewing Dynamics and Rhythm. We are focusing on socialization and expressing emotions in the 2s/3s while we are working on following directions in the VPK/K classes. So many non-musical goals can be achieved through musical activities! I am excited to continue to share music while the students grow through the end of the year!

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