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Tiskets N Taskets: February 2022

Faith Preschool

Happy Valentine’s Day! We can’t talk about Valentine’s Day without touching on the subject of love. Our children thrive in a safe, loving, and nurturing environment. The Five Love Languages of Children by Gary Chapman and Ross Campbell provides ways young children give and receive love. It can be through physical touch, words of affirmation, quality time, gifts, or acts of service. Your child needs all five of the love languages, but start paying attention to how your child prefers to show you love. Do they say “I love you,” or do they try to snuggle up with you on the couch? Are they picking flowers or giving you treasures from your yard or do they like to help you clean up around the house? Look for these subtle cues of how your child is seeking attention from you and in turn you can learn to operate out of their love language. When your child’s love bucket is full it strengthens your bond and secures their attachment and connection with you as their parent.

Our role as parents is to love our children as our heavenly Father loves us. God has chosen you to raise your child. He entrusts you with His precious young one to nurture and grow into a follower of Christ. God calls us to care for our children, but He also knows we cannot provide for every one of their needs. God helps us share this great task of loving our children by providing us with community to do so.

Whether you have family close by or not, our sweet preschool family is here for you. Our teachers pour love into your child daily by teaching them songs about God’s love, sharing a Bible lesson, listening intently as they share their hearts, and orchestrating friendships with their classmates. We are here to help you as a parent by lending a helping hand, providing a listening ear, praying for you, or offering an encouraging word. This is something only He can do, so we must rely on Him daily for the wisdom and strength to do so. We must teach our children of a love far greater than ours that only God can give.

We are thankful that your child is part of our school. If there is ever anything you need, please call or stop by my office. My door is always open. Thank you for allowing us to share in your child’s life!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Allison Lee, Director

“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” 1 Corinthians 12:13


Classroom News

Two Year Olds with Ms. Fenstermaker and Ms. Baker

We are excited to be in our new month and enjoying some cold weather! Thank you everyone for sending in warm jackets for your children each day. Our playground gets chilly so we like to keep them bundled! This month we’ll be focusing on a few different topics: Winter, Valentines Day, and Bears. If you peek in the room now you’ll notice we are in full Valentines swing. There are hearts everywhere along with reds and pink colors all over. The children are learning all about who loves them, who they love, and how to show love.

Once we move into bears we’ll be sure to get our favorite book out and go on a bear hunt, our class’ favorite.

Just a reminder to monitor your children as we are trying our best to keep everyone healthy and safe.

Two Year Olds with Mrs. Phillips and Mrs. Roberts

Happy February, love is in the air! This month we are combining two units, Valentine’s Day and Bears. We are learning about bears of different colors and sizes, where they live, and what they like to eat.

I really try to incorporate Valentine’s Day into the beginning of our bear unit, so we are making some fun bears using heart shapes and colors like red, purple, and pink. Our classroom is also decorated with hearts to celebrate with our Valentine’s Day snack. A huge thank you to those parents who are helping with snacks. As I mentioned before, please send in 13 unaddressed valentines for their classmates. We are decorating bags, and the children will get to deliver valentines to their friends, just like the mailman does. We have already been practicing this; I have crayons, scrap paper and a big blue mailbox out for them to make and “mail” letters to their loved ones!

Thank you to the parents I have already had conferences with in January. I really enjoyed spending one-on-one time with you and talking about your sweet children. I look forward to meeting with the remaining parents this month, thank you for being flexible!

Three Year Olds with Mrs. Marsh and Mrs. Rowan

We had a cold January both in and outside the classroom! The kids enjoyed studying about the Winter season including ice, snow, and arctic animals. In science we did several experiments with water – showing how it freezes and melts. We even got to enjoy some popsicles and make our own snow cones! In art, we all got very messy making and then painting with frozen tempera paint. At circle time we learned about igloos and thanks to Everett’s family, we made our own igloos with marshmallows and apples! Some of our favorite books for this unit were Polar Bear, Polar Bear and Do You Wanna Build a Snowman? Finally, we enjoyed dancing and singing to chilly tunes such as “5 Little Snowmen” and “Snowflake, Snowflake.”

The first few weeks of February we are learning about Valentine’s Day and “Love.” We have been talking about all the people we love and those that love us unconditionally, especially God. In the writing area, we have been practicing making Valentines. In art, the kids have been working hard on some special treats for their families😊! We are all excited about our upcoming Valentine’s Day party on the 14th! Don’t forget the school holiday (Presidents’ Day) on Monday, February 21st.

Three Year Olds with Mrs. Larkin and Ms. Fannin

Happy February! We have had a wonderful start to the New Year; enjoying many hands-on activities with our winter unit fun. We would like to thank all our parents for taking the time to have a conference to share your child’s growth this year. We’re so proud of them!

We will embrace this month with Valentine’s Day, God’s love and kindness, making paper hearts for friends and delivery packages in our post office. The children always enjoy dramatic play in the classroom. Be on the lookout for a special valentine’s delivery in the mail next week from your child.

As we move through the month we will experience music, literature, art and food from around the world as we explore the 7 continents. Also, celebrating our special Dads and learning about the number 7 (siete), color pink (rosado) and the shape heart.

Our Valentine’s party and heart hunt will be on February the 11th and the children may bring in 14 unaddressed Valentine’s to share with their friends.

Your children continue to warm our hearts and we are so appreciative of you.

Have a Happy Valentine’s Day!

Four Year Olds with Mrs. Bearss and Mrs. Jacobs

Hello and Happy February! Our theme this month is All About Others. We will be using this time to revisit all of our conversations about kindness and community as we get ready for Valentine's Day! Instructions for our class Valentine's exchange were sent via email last week - please let me know if you need any clarification. :)

In the Discovery center we are experimenting with the push and pull of magnets and in Pretend we have set up a Post Office where we pretend to be postal workers. This unit is full of writing opportunities for your child because it is just so much fun to send and receive mail! ❤ Already we have seen so many letters written to friends and family members - exactly what we always hope for!

After Valentine's Day, we will finish the month with a Space unit where we will get to make believe as astronauts when we add a spaceship to Pretend! We'll even try some real space food on our cooking day, February 18th. So much fun to be had in February!

As always, thank you for all that you do to help our classroom run smoothly! I appreciate you all so much!

Four Year Olds with Mrs. Cherry and Mrs. Poucher

I am so proud of our class for how they have adjusted with everything that came our way in January. We had a lot of fun learning about Arctic Animals and exploring all of the excitement that Winter has to offer. We had a lot of fun with math activities as we celebrated our much anticipated (and delayed) 100th day of school. Thank you to the Humphrey Family (Jane) for providing the food for our 100th day snack.

As we find ourselves in a new month, we will learn all about God’s love for us and how we can show love towards others. We will also celebrate Chinese New Year, blast off into a unit on our Solar System, and focus on the letters O ,P, Q & R. I have enjoyed meeting with some of you at our conferences where I get to show you all of the wonderful ways that your child is flourishing. I look forward to meeting with the rest of our families soon.

Four Year Olds with Mrs. Roberts and Mrs. Engelker

Happy February! We have a busy month planned starting with the 100th day of school! We are 100 days smarter! We are celebrating with a group art project with handprints of our 100 fingers, 100 link measuring activities, a special trail mix snack and some other fun treats. Our letters this month are O, P, Q, and R. We will be learning about dental health and nutrition, Valentine's Day, and Dinosaurs. Be on the lookout for a very special delivery in your mailbox!

We will finish out our "P" week with a pajama and popcorn day. Our cooking day will be English muffin mini pizzas. Thank you to the Branham family (Ford) for providing our cooking supplies. Thank you so much for making the time to meet and share information during our conference time.

Have a Fabulous February!

Kindergarten with Mrs. Hamrick and Mrs. McConnaughhay

Kindergarten had so much fun celebrating the 100th day of school. We counted to 100 by 1’s, 5’s and 10’s, made a special snack with 100 items, and learned all about the number 100, as we celebrated our 100th day of school. Each child will also make a project using 100 objects and they will be displayed in the classroom. The projects are always so fun and very creative! We also have had so much fun learning about Penguins. We learned a lot of new facts about Penguins and the children each made a Penguin book with the facts they have learned.

On February 14th, we will celebrate Valentine’s Day with a special snack, and we will make mailboxes in class for our Valentine’s cards. We are continuing to learn our sight words, work on word families, read our books, and write in our journals. In Math this month, we will start learning about subtraction, money, and time. We will also begin our unit on Space and we will have a special Space Program performance at the end of our unit.

Music with Mrs. Lloyd

Hello Faith families! We are off to a great start in music this month! Our main musical concept for the month is Rhythm. The students have been learning about long notes versus short notes in different patterns. The VPK/K classes have even been distinguishing between different note lengths (sixteenth notes, eighth notes, etc.). All of the classes have had lots of fun playing rhythm sticks and drums. We will continue learning more complex rhythmic patterns throughout the month. The 2s/3s have been exploring music through lots of movement and instrument play. The VPK/K classes are working on taking turns and focusing on repeating musical patterns. We have embraced the cold weather by incorporating winter into many of our songs and activities. The students have all engaged in imaginative play in music by pretending to be polar bears and penguins!

Our other main topic in music this month includes Valentine’s Day, people we love, and God’s great love for us. Every day is a fun day in music!

Preschool Announcements

2022-2023 Faith Preschool Registration

Registration is going well. There are still a few spots available for next school year so please let your family and friends know if they are still considering preschool for next year. You will be receiving your contract in the mail at the end of February. Thank you for returning it by April 1.

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Photography by: Brian Miller & Inger Avant


2200 North Meridian Rd Tallahassee FL 32303

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